How to Become a Free Fire Pro Player, 10 Tips from Professionals

How to Become a FF Pro Player, 10 Tips from Professionals

Free Fire

Check out these 10 tips to become a pro FF player so that your game performance gets better with proper practice and strategy.

Free Fire is a battle royale game that has many fans because of the excitement and various advantages, such as the presence of skins and unique characters.

The game modes that are quite varied and the capacity of the game which is quite light are also the main attractions of the Free Fire game.

The number of players from this game produces professional players who are also called pro players.

A pro player is someone who masters the game and is an expert in playing the game.

To become a pro player, you need a good strategy and game to easily win the game. For more details, see the following explanation.

How to Play Pro Player FF

How to Become a FF Pro Player, 10 Tips from Professionals

Free Fire

If you want to become a pro player, you need serious training as well as a mature strategy when playing Free Fire.

You must be able to understand the role to understand the enemy's position correctly. The following are tips to become a pro player in the Indonesian Free Fire game scene:

1. Use a Qualified Device

To play Free Fire games with good graphics quality and fast performance, you need a cellphone that has a reliable chipset, large RAM capacity, and high screen refresh rate capabilities.

Refresh rate is increasingly popular in smartphone products because it serves to measure the speed of the screen to refresh every movement or response received by the screen. Smartphones that can be said to be capable of playing games have a minimum refresh rate of 60 HZ.

The higher the refresh rate on an HP, the higher the response produced so that the Free Fire game will be smoother and more accurate to make it easier to become a pro player.

2. Understand Role

When playing battle royale, players must understand the role that is being played. There are several roles in the Free Fire game, such as the rusher, second fragger, flanker, support, and sniper.

When choosing a role, you can choose according to your playing style. When you like long-range combat, choose a sniper role and a character suitable for long-range combat. Character selection is also very dependent on the role because they have different skills.

A role is needed in building a strong team to become a professional FF pro player.

3. Use the Right Character

Free Fire has many characters that you can choose from, such as Chrono, Wukong, Alok, Hayato, Maxim, Kelly, and others. The selection of the right character in the Free Fire game greatly affects the course of the match.

This character has active skills or passive skills that can be used. The selection of skills must be adjusted to the role you play.

If you are a rusher, Alok and Chrono are the right character choices. Alok has a skill that can increase blood and Chrono can issue a dome to become a shield that protects an effective shot when attacking enemies at close range.

4. Lots of Practice with Strategy

The most important thing when you want to become a professional FF pro player is to increase your practice and set strategies in the game so that your skills improve.

Usually, training with strategies is more effective in a custom room than classic because in this match you are against other teams with various abilities. It takes an effective strategy to get Booyah.

To reproduce good ideas and strategies, you can watch the game from pro players on streaming services or YouTube to learn about it and then use it in battle.

In addition, you can also increase your flight hours by participating in tournaments and always evaluating errors that occur in the game, so that your game performance will be better than before.

5. Don't Panic When There Are Enemies

To become a professional FF pro player, you shouldn't panic when there are enemies. Panic when fighting will break the focus of teammates when competing. The most important thing that is also needed when playing free fire is to be patient and calm.

When rushing, you need to be patient and know the enemy's position first in order to successfully shoot 1v1 while fighting.

Even though you have used complete equipment and capable weapons, you need backup and confidence in order to win.

6. Take advantage of Grenades and Gloo Walls

In addition to shooting skills using weapons, to become a pro FF player you also need to use other equipment such as grenades and Gloo Walls.

There are several types of grenades that you can use, such as the frag grenade, smoke grenade, and stun grenade.

Grenades are quite important to use in matches when you want to attack enemies in the room using grenades. In addition, smoke grenades can be used to cover the enemy's vision.

The thing that is different from other battle royale games is Gloo Wall. When you use this item during a match, there will be a large enough fortress that can block the enemy's view. Gloo Wall can also function to protect you when running in open areas.

7. Communication with Team Members

When playing squad mode, communication with team members is needed in order to be able to fight the enemy properly.

Teammates must provide information on the enemy's position and the number of enemies remaining while in a rush.

To become a professional team, it takes solid players with smooth communication in order to win matches.

8. Quick Reflex

Reflex skills when playing games are very important to make you a professional player.

When playing Free Fire, fast reflexes are needed when shooting enemies. When your reflexes when shooting enemies are a bit late, you will lose when you shoot them.

If you want to train your shooting reflex to be more precise and fast, you can do exercises in training before entering a match.

9. Understand the Enemy's Position

How to Become a FF Pro Player, 10 Tips from Professionals

A player must understand the enemy's position when rushing or being pushed by the enemy. Players must listen to the enemy's steps or footsteps or signs in the map to find out the actual position and the number of people who come.

Despite using the best weapons, players must be careful when they want to shoot because if they misunderstand the position, the enemy will easily shoot you.

10. Make Shot Adjustments in Settings

Free Fire has sensitivity settings like other battle royale games. This setting serves to reduce recoil and control the shot easily.

In addition, you can also adjust the control settings to move the fire buttons in battle which can be adjusted according to the player's convenience.

One of the requirements if you want to become a FF pro player is to have good sensitivity and control so you can shoot enemies with precision.

Well, that's Toppers 10 tips to become a FF pro player that you can try in matches. It takes consistent practice so that your game gets better until you become a professional player.

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